Stories - Southside Pregnancy Center


Mia’s Journey

Mia* arrived at Southside Pregnancy Center feeling hopeless. At age 25, the young single-mother of five children ages six and under, she was determined to have an abortion.

Mia was deaf and unable to speak. Our staff met her at the door and communications began with
pen and paper. She confirmed she was here to have a Pre-Abortion Screening, which we offer to
abortion-determined patients so that they can receive options information, free pregnancy testing
and ultrasound to make an informed decision.

A Patient Advocate from our center met with Mia and performed a situational assessment. Mia replied in hand-written notes, informing the Patient Advocate that she was a student at a school for the hearing-impaired. She described how she and her partner agreed that abortion was their best option.

Nevertheless, they were not in a relationship and had only known each other for three months. When asked who would support her if she chose to carry, teary-eyed, Mia wrote “Nobody.” The Patient Advocate offered spiritual support to Mia and wrote: “Do you know Jesus?” and Mia wrote back with a huge smile, “Yes.” Mia accepted prayer and spiritual literature from the Patient Advocate.

The Nurse met with Mia and provided her pregnancy test results and completed a health assessment, approving her for ultrasound exam. Once the ultrasound exam began, Mia was clearly moved by the image on the screen. The Ultrasound Tech and Patient Advocate were in the room to provide a written description of the details of her exam. After Mia completed her exam, resources were provided to her to help give her support. She left with an intention to abort.

However, after following up with Mia a few weeks later, a Patient Advocate learned that Mia had made a decision for life and had begun looking into adoption. She was also provided information about pregnancy education support services through our center’s ELEVATE parenting program.

We’re praying for Mia and her journey that she will receive all the support she needs.
*Name changed